BT214 A House Has to Breathe, Right?
21st Century Building Expo & Conference

A House Has to Breathe, Right?

November 13, 2024  |  1:30PM - 3:30PM

Room: Coming Soon
Track: Building Technology
Session Code: BT214
Session Type: NCBI
CE Credit: 2

Everyone has heard that a house has to breathe. Does that make sense? It turns out houses don’t have lungs. So they don't likely need to breathe. But people living inside them do have to breathe. The problem arises when occupants are forced to breathe the same air over and over in substantially airtight homes. Research clearly shows the air in our homes is filled with a variety of contaminants that can create health complications. This course will review those contaminants of concern, their impact on health, and how to reduce the risk to health and wellness using whole-house ventilation.


Danny Gough

Energy Solutions, Inc.

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Almost 45 years ago, Danny Gough was moving toward a career in medicine, when microbiology and biochemistry inspired a change to engineering. Fortunately human structure & function came in handy studying the effects of thermal comfort on physiology and psychology. Adding building science physics, fluid mechanics and psychometrics, Gough became a certified nerd with a mechanical engineering degree and a contractor’s license by age 30.

Since then, Gough has engineered and managed hundreds of projects from single-family homes to 4-story buildings. Investigating and diagnosing numerous building failures, comfort complaints, high-energy bills and building related illnesses, he claims to have seen hundreds of creative ways to do things wrong.

Working with Energy Solutions, Inc., in Winston Salem, NC, Gough provides professional HVAC design across North Carolina, placing the homeowner in the center of the process. He’s also a Residential Energy Service Network (RESNET) accredited Home Energy Rater (HERS) and a verifier for the EPA’s Energy Star Homes program as well as the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Zero Energy Ready Homes Program (ZERH).

As a certified instructor with the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA), The Comfort Institute and Carrier Enterprises, Gough has trained contractors, inspectors and owners how to improve the quality of homes thus improving the quality of life for the occupants. He is an entertaining and engaging speaker, investigator and instructor with nearly 40 years of relevant experience and knowledge.