Nikki Krueger is the Industry Manager for Therma-Stor’s residential moisture control products lines, including Ultra-Aire whole house ventilating dehumidifiers, Santa Fe freestanding dehumidifiers and CrawlGuard encapsulation products. Involved in the indoor air quality industry for over 15 years and has worked with several organizations including: ACCA, the NAHB Research Center for Green Approved Products, Florida Green Building Coalition, Green Build, Earth Advantage, La House Home Research Center, and EarthCraft. She is a RESNET certified home energy rater, has completed the comprehensive training for the green home verifier accreditation administered by the NAHB Research Center, and the professional development training course on ASHRAE 62.2 Standard. She is an active member of the Spray Polyurethane Foam Association, currently serving as vice chair of the building envelope committee, as well as on the certification and safety committees.